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СТИМ нашел следующую инфу:
Цитата: Enthrall
From constant stuttering and about 15-20 FPS I went to a constant 70 FPS (lowest 40-50 if there's smoke).
If you can play without sound:
1. Turned AA to max.
2. Disabled my sound card from device manager.
Yes, it sucks to play without sound, but sucks even more to play wtih stuttering and 20 FPS.
Please let me know if this worked for you.
...тут первый пункт не совсем понятен, а во втором пункте предлагает отключить звуковую карту в диспетчере устройств.
Цитата: SenTeLLo1
Hi Guys
Everbody probably got the updates/fix by now.
I did also, but did not see much difference from before.. game was still lagging, etc.
I just deleted my config_mp file(s) in the steamapps /.... folder and started the game again and it was smooth as nice round booobies..
Well i hope this helps for u all..
удалить файл с конфигом и заново запустить игру, утверждает что всё пошло гладко
Цитата: karlstedt1
cg_drawfps 1
команда включающая отображение фпс на экране